Au-delà de la bioénergie

Une déclaration commune en faveur d’une politique énergétique de l’UE véritablement durable
La Coalition mondiale pour les forêts figure parmi les signataires de cette déclaration commune, Au-delà de la bioénergie, qui exhorte l’UE à mettre fin à la combustion de biomasse à l’échelle industrielle en tant que soi-disant énergie renouvelable et à s’engager en faveur de solutions justes et véritablement durables.
La déclaration, signée par 82 organisations de la société civile, a été rédigée par Oxfam, Fern, WWF, Protect the Forests Sweden, Healthy Indoor Environment et Green Global Future.
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It asserts that bioenergy should not replace fossil fuels, and that the EU must stop incentivising the burning of trees and crops
and choose sustainable solutions instead. For a sustainable future, policies should be fair, efficient, consistent, and sufficiency-oriented.
The statement makes the following recommendations:
- Stop rewarding the destruction of climate and nature, and instead support the shift towards wiser uses of biomass.
- End all incentives for burning trees and crops, implement the cascading principle so that burning biomass for energy is a last resort and ensure that scarce biomass resources are used in sectors with no other options.
- Reorganise our economy to be dramatically more equal, and break free from the linear model of extraction and resource depletion, where natural resources are continually removed and consumed faster than they can regenerate.
- Re-embed resource use within societal purposes, for example, by working with countries and local communities to access and use raw materials fairly.
- Prioritise resource demand reduction and support existing and scalable solutions, including fair access to electrification, sustainably produced wind and solar power, energy storage, public transport and
insulation. - Design consistent, efficient, sufficiency-oriented and fair policies that radically reduce inequality, increase wellbeing and keep us within planetary boundaries.
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Beyond Bioenergy: A civil society statement on EU bioenergy policy
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