Fueling agro-industrial livestock production: Latin America

The Global Forest Coalition (GFC) invites you to participate in a webinar series looking at what is fueling agro-industrial livestock production, taking place at the end of October and beginning of November. Four regional webinars, covering Asia on 27th of October, Latin America on the 29th, Africa on the 3rd of November and finally Europe and North America on the 5th, will explore how financial support and other incentives in producer and consumer countries is driving the expansion of the industry, and which key governments and institutions are the main barriers to a real transformation in food production.
Register for the Latin America webinar here.
Read more about this webinar series here.
Moderator: Juana Vera Delgado, GFC, Peru
- Emilio Spataro, Amigos de la Tierra, Argentina
- Rosa Karina Pinasco, Asociación Amazónicos por la Amazonía (AMPA), Peru
- Maureen Santos, FASE Amazonia, Brazil
- Miguel Lovera, Iniciativa Amatocodie, Paraguay
- Milena Bernal, GFC, Colombia
- Juan Carlos Altamirano, CIPCA, Bolivia