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Defending Rights

Delving into Community Conservation and ICCAs at SBSTTA-20

10 May, 2016

community conservation

Jeanette Sequeira* Last week Global Forest Coalition (GFC), together with partners, organised an inspiring side event at the SBSTTA-20 meeting in Montreal entitled ‘Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ Recommendations for Appropriate Recognition and Support of ICCAs and other Community Conservation Initiatives’*. The discussions delved into key issues relating to community conservation, work under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCAs) in global databases, and the unique and invaluable role of Indigenous Peoples …

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Appeal: Freedom to Evgeny Vitishko!

22 Apr, 2015

APPEAL We, the undersigned non-governmental not-for-profit organizations, work to protect and promote universal rights to freedom and to a healthy environment and to protect individuals who defend these rights. Therefore,…

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GFC’s Annual Report 2013

18 Jul, 2014

  We are happy to bring to you our Annual Report for  the year 2013.Find out about our work and the development of our campaigns spanning from India to Colombia…

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